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OpticianFormulas Class

Optician Calculations
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpticianMathLibrary
Assembly:  OpticianMathLibrary (in OpticianMathLibrary.dll) Version: (
public static class OpticianFormulas

The OpticianFormulas type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberAstigmatismEvaluator
Evaluates the type of astigmatism based on lens power. Inputs are sphere and cylinder.
Public methodStatic memberBinocularDecentration
Calculates the total binocular decentration of lenses in a frame. Inputs are the A measurement, B measurement and binocular pupil distance in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberMinimumBlankSize
Calculates the minimum blank size with optional 2mm compensation for chip factor. Inputs are effective diameter, monocular decentration in millimeters and true/false if you want to include/exclude chip factor compensation.
Public methodStatic memberMonocularDecentration
Calculates the monocular decentration of a lens in a frame. Inputs are the A measurement, DBL measurement and monocular pd in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberSegDrop
Calculates the bifocal segment drop. Inputs are the segment height and B measurement in millimeters.
See Also