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Tilt Class

Tilt Formulas
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpticianMathLibrary
Assembly:  OpticianMathLibrary (in OpticianMathLibrary.dll) Version: (
public static class Tilt

The Tilt type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberMartinTiltFormulaInducedCylinder(Double, Double)
Approximates the induced cylinder of a spherical lens with no cylinder. Inputs are the new sphere power in diopters from Martin's tilt formula and degrees of tilt. NOTE: Rx must be transposed to same axis as the axis of tilt. Also, resulting induced cylinder will be on same axis as tilt.
Public methodStatic memberMartinTiltFormulaInducedCylinder(Double, Double, Double)
Calculates the induced cylinder of a tilted lens. Inputs are the new sphere power in diopters from Martin's tilt formula. NOTE: NOTE: Rx must be transposed to same axis as the axis of tilt. Also, resulting induced cylinder will be ADDED to existing cylinder on same axis.
Public methodStatic memberMartinTiltFormulaSphere
Approximates the effective power of a tilted lens. Inputs are the original sphere power in diopters, degrees of tilt in degrees and index of refraction. NOTE: Rx must be transposed to the same axis as the axis of tilt.
See Also