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Thickness Class

Thickness Calculations
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpticianMathLibrary
Assembly:  OpticianMathLibrary (in OpticianMathLibrary.dll) Version: (
public static class Thickness

The Thickness type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberApproximateSagFormula
Calculates an approximate sagittal depth. Inputs are surface power in diopters, lens diameter in millimeters and index of refraction.
Public methodStatic memberApproximateThickness
Calculates an approximate lens thickness. Inputs are surface power in diopters, lens diameter in millimeters, index of refraction and center OR edge thickness in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberCenterThickness
Calculates the edge thickness of a minus lens. Inputs are the front sagittal depth, back sagittal depth and edge thickness in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberEdgeThickness
Calculates the edge thickness of a minus lens. Inputs are the front sagittal depth, back sagittal depth and center thickness in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberMinusPrismLensEdgeThickness
Calculates the edge thickness of minus lens with prism. Inputs are the sagittal depth, minimum center thickness and prism base thickness in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberPlusPrismLensCenterThickness
Calculates the center thickness of a plus power lens with prism. Inputs are sagittal depth, minimum edge thickness and prism base thickness.
Public methodStatic memberPlusPrismLensThickestEdge
Calculates the edge thickness of a plus lens with prism. Inputs are the prism base thickness and minimum edge thickness in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberPrismPowerFromThickness
Calculates the power of a prism based on it's thickness. Inputs are the thickness DIFFERENCE between the two edges, lens Diameter in millimeters and index of refraction.
Public methodStatic memberPrismThickness
Calculates the thickness of a exclusively prismatic lens. Inputs are the prism power in diopters, lens diameter in millimeters and index of refraction.
Public methodStatic memberSagittalDepth(Double, Double)
Calculates the sagittal depth of a lens. Inputs are radius of curvature and lens diameter in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberSagittalDepth(Double, Double, Double)
Calculates the sagittal depth of a lens. Inputs are the true lens power in diopters, diameter in millimeters and index of refraction.
See Also