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Prism Class

Prism Calculations
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  OpticianMathLibrary
Assembly:  OpticianMathLibrary (in OpticianMathLibrary.dll) Version: (
public static class Prism

The Prism type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberApicalAngle
Calculates what apical angle the prism will need to deviate a ray of light by a given amount. Inputs are degrees of deviation and index.
Public methodStatic memberEffectiveDecentration
Calculates the effective decentration from the optical center of a spherocylinder lens in centimeters.
Public methodStatic memberEyeResolver
Determines which eye is being calculated. Inputs are the prism base angle, as well as the vertical and horizontal base directions
Public methodStatic memberPrenticesLawCentimeters
Calculates prismatic effect in diopters. Inputs are the lens power in diopters and distance from optical center in centimeters.
Public methodStatic memberPrenticesLawMillimeters
Calculates prismatic effect in diopters. Inputs are the lens power in diopters and distance from optical center in millimeters.
Public methodStatic memberPrimsDeviation
Calculates the angle formed by the emerging ray and the original ray path. Inputs are apical angle in degrees and index of refraction.
Public methodStatic memberPrismCentrad
Calculates prism based on the centrad in diopters. Input is the angle of deviation in degrees.
Public methodStatic memberPrismDiopter
Calculates prism diopters. Inputs are displacement of light ray in centimeters and distance from prism in meters.
Public methodStatic memberPrismDiopterApproximation
Approximates the power of a prism in diopters. Inputs are the apical angle in degrees and index of refraction.
Public methodStatic memberPrismDisplacement
Calculates displacement of ray in centimeters. Inputs are the prism's dioptric power and the distance in meters.
Public methodStatic memberPrismDistance
Calculates the distance a light ray is from a prism in meters. Inputs are the prism power in diopters and the displacement in centimeters.
Public methodStatic memberResolvingPrismHorizontal
Resolves the horizontal component of a given power and angle. Inputs are prism power in diopters and angle in degrees.
Public methodStatic memberResolvingPrismVertical
Resolves the vertical component of a given power and angle. Inputs are prism power in diopters and angle in degrees.
Public methodStatic memberResultantPrism
Calculates resultant prism magnitude. Inputs are the horizontal and vertical prism components in diopters.
Public methodStatic memberResultantPrismAngleLeftEye
Calculates the angle of prism for the left eye (OS) in degrees. Inputs are the horizontal and vertical prism components in diopters.
Public methodStatic memberResultantPrismAngleRightEye
Calculates the angle of prism for the right eye (OD) in degrees. Inputs are the horizontal and vertical prism components in diopters.
See Also